Section 1: Vision and Mission
1.1 What is the core purpose of your Chapter?
Our core purpose is to set the foundations of the Student Energy Chapter at the University of Toronto. According to the QS World University Rankings, the University of Toronto is the most sustainable university worldwide. While the university might be making efforts to reduce its GHG emissions, the student organizations at the university are dispersed and uncollaborative with each other. Given Student Energy’s presence worldwide, this chapter can become a hub for undergraduate and graduate students to exchange ideas about sustainability, climate action and the energy transition. We want to give people the tools to learn and apply their projects.
1.2 Please describe your Chapter’s mission statement.
Our mission is to raise awareness about Student Energy among the undergraduate and graduate students at University of Toronto.
On top of that, our goal is to become a hub within the university that will allow collaboration between the university
1.3 Please list your Chapter’s core values.
1. Inclusive
2. Collaborative
3. Respect
4. Teamwork
5. Communication
6. Passion
Section 2: Target Audience
2.1 Who will benefit from your Chapter’s efforts?
Undergraduate and graduate students. Specifically, those interested in sustainability and energy. The first ones to become aware about this chapter will potentially be those who are already part of student-run organizations related to sustainability.
2.2 Program Benefits
1. Know more about Student Energy and their programs (Student Energy Career Training Program, Student Energy Fellowship, different chapters, additional projects, conference, etc.)
2. Create a strong hub for different organizations at the University of Toronto focused on sustainability
3. Increased energy-related literacy