Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Society (KPEGS)
St George
Welcome to the Kinesiology and Physical Education Graduate Society (KPEGS)! This organization is a community for KPE graduate students, where we connect, collaborate, and grow together within our field. Our mission is to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for both professional and social development. We host a range of events, from academic workshops and research discussions to social gatherings, outdoor activities, and wellness events, providing a balance between academic support and recreational fun. Whether you’re interested in building your network, gaining new skills, or simply enjoying time with friends in the KPE community, we’re here to make your graduate experience richer and more memorable. Join us to connect with like-minded peers and make the most of your time as a KPE graduate student!
Group Administration
Primary Contact
Samira Sunderji President
Administrative Officers
Samira Sunderji President
Alessia Capone Secretary
Other Executive Members
Samira Sunderji President
Alessia Capone Secretary
Rowena Cai Treasurer
Sarah O'Rourke Social Coordinator
Alfred Min Graduate Student Union Representative
Rachel Scarcello Faculty Council Representative
Jessie Strong Intramurals Representative
Caitlin Rodgerson Communications Coordinator
Michelle Lee Bodies of Knowledge Coordinator
Alia Mazhar Bodies of Knowledge Coordinator
Erin Sullivan Physical Cultural Studies Stream Representative
Francesca Principe Behavioural Stream Representative
Paul Babits Biophysical Stream Representative
Alyssa Coquia Master of Professional Kinesiology Representative
Kaitlyn McCandless Master of Professional Kinesiology Representative
Emma Karmanlian Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Representative
Jasmine Lew Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Representative