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Winter Break

During the University’s winter break, student group leaders may apply for student group recognition, request edits to existing student groups, and submit and edit events and opportunities, but University staff will not be available to review applications and edit requests, nor to provide support, from Monday, December 23 until Monday, January 6. Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!


Movie Screening

OISE building apt 2, 472 Dupont Street., toronto

We gather every Sunday at 4 pm to watch a movie chosen by the winner proposal the group members get to vote for. The location is the OISE Building, 252 […]

ISET Kickoff Meeting

Galbraith Building (GB) 303 Galbraith Building, Toronto

Join us for our first meeting of the year on September 12th at 7 pm @ GB 303!  This will be your chance to learn more about the team and […]