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Chemistry Graduate Student Union (ChemClub) St George

We are an enthusiastic group of chemistry graduate students who seek to serve students in our department. We operate a store in the Lash Miller Chemical Laboratories to give undergraduate students a one-stop-shop for lab materials. Proceeds from the store go to help the Department of Chemistry maintain their outstanding undergraduate laboratories, to provide scholarships for students, and to fund various events during the year to enhance student life. In addition, ChemClub uses the funds to support many other academic and charitable causes. ChemClub is here for undergraduates and graduate students alike. Whether you are a first-year undergrad or a student finishing up a Ph.D., we are here to help you on your academic journey.

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Alexander Sever President

Administrative Officers

Alexander Sever President Henry (Yi-Fang) Lai GSU Representative

Other Executive Members

Group Type:

Last Updated:

October 7, 2024 3:11 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.