During the University’s winter break, student group leaders may apply for student group recognition, request edits to existing student groups, and submit and edit events and opportunities, but University staff will not be available to review applications and edit requests, nor to provide support, from Monday, December 23 until Monday, January 6. Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!
The purpose of the International Development Conference at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC) is to provide an engaging forum for students, academics, and development professionals to engage in critical and meaningful discussions pertaining to the field of international development. This is a non-membership group. People may attend the conference at a specified price during the specified registration period to be decided by the Executive Team.
Group Administration
Primary Contact
Afomia Selemon Co-Chair
Ama Amoah Co-chair
Administrative Officers
Afomia Selemon Co-Chair
Afomia Selemon Primary Contact
Ama Amoah Co-chair
Other Executive Members
Zainab Siddiqui External Outreach Director
Dorra Zmerli External Outreach Director
Tianyi Li Program Associate
Tara Tabbaa Program Director
Aritri Ghosh Marketing Director