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Medical Education Association (MEA) UTSC

The Medical Education Association (MEA) at the University of Toronto (previously known as the Medical Education Initiative Organization) is a club dedicated to educating students interested in medicine through discussing exciting research in medicine, sharing career insights, and raising awareness about social issues in medicine. If you have a passion for health care and medicine, want to help educate your community, and engage with students who have similar interests, then MEA is the perfect club for you! 

The main goals of MEA are:

  1. To educate students about research in medicine 
  2. To provide insights into careers in medicine 
  3. To raise awareness about social issues in medicine and healthcare

Please visit to learn more! 

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Bairavie Piravakaran Co-president

Administrative Officers

Bairavie Piravakaran Co-President Mithushaa Sabesan Co-President

Other Executive Members

Group Expires:

October 1, 2025 2:59 am

Last Updated:

September 30, 2024 4:43 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.