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MusicBox Children’s Charity – University of Toronto Student Chapter St George

MusicBox Children’s Charity (MBCC) is a youth-run registered non-profit organization that strives to provide music education opportunities to financially, socially, or physically disadvantaged children and youth.

A formal education in music should not be a privilege limited to those who can support it. We feel that music is an integral part of a child’s early development, with benefits reaching far beyond the child’s developmental stage. Vulnerable children should be granted the same opportunities for growth and development that are available to their peers.

Through our partnership with the College Montrose Children’s Place, FCJ Refugee Centre, Robertson House, and General Crerar Public School, we bring music to young children who need it the most. We fully subscribe to the concept of music as a developmental tool, and to its beneficial effects on a child’s social, academic, and emotional development.

As a youth-driven initiative, the directors of MBCC are strong proponents of “self-help” within a community. The needs of a community are best met by those living in it, and who better to enhance our programs than the youth themselves. Our youth volunteers with significant musical achievement provide mentorship to our participants in group and one-on-one classes.

Our approach is two-tiered. While we seek to enhance our children’s educations with the inclusion of music, we also hope to enrich the personal development of our volunteer youths who gain important interpersonal skills, self-enrichment, and fulfillment through their participation in MBCC’s programs.

We currently offer private and group instrumental lessons for children aged 7-12 as well as early childhood music appreciation group classes for those aged 3-5, and 0-3. In the constant pursuit of growth, we are always looking to expand our programming!

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Nicole Velev Co-President

Administrative Officers

Nicole Velev Co-President Eunice Huang Co-President

Other Executive Members

Isabella Colalillo Vice-President

Group Expires:

October 1, 2025 3:59 am

Last Updated:

September 12, 2024 10:46 am


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