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Philosophy Course Union St George

The Philosophy Course Union (PCU) is a student-run organization that serves to ensure the best possible undergraduate philosophy education experience. The PCU co-ordinates essay workshops, social functions, academic seminars, and information sessions regarding grad school and career options. The PCU takes an active part in the departmental decision making process, and participates in many faculty meetings. If you have some suggestions for other PCU activities, or would like to become involved, please leave a message in the PCU mailbox at ASSU or e-mail us at

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Manal Kamran Co-President Manal Kamran Co-President

Administrative Officers

Manal Kamran Co-President Manal Kamran Co-President Reco Xu Co-President

Other Executive Members

Areas of Interest:

Group Type:

Last Updated:

October 22, 2024 6:36 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.