The purpose of “Students for Action”” (SFA) is to mobilize students at the University of Toronto and beyond, who actively participate in identifying and addressing campus-wide and community issues impacting student life and well-being. Our organization is dedicated to creating a platform for dialogue, research, and action on various matters, including housing, transit, education quality, and more, with the aim of improving the overall student experience and student life. It also exists to scrutinize the work of elected and non-elected officials responsible for, or tasked with taking action on important issues facing students, ranging from university administrators, to student union executives, to federal, provincial, and local political figures.
By organizing students, elected and non-elected officials, Students For Action will work on white papers – detailed research and policy documents to be made public, in an effort to support those responsible for making change by outlining how the solutions to some of our most pressing issues can be achieved.