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ThinkLOut St George

In today’s world, with an environment more fast-paced than ever before, it becomes harder every day to keep up with the new technological advancements. However, as individuals, we cannot grow and flourish unless our rate of learning is greater than the rate of change. As such, and to materialize the learning aspect of our LAN principles, the purpose of ThinkL’Out is to introduce interested students to virtual reality, metaverse, and web 3.0 and discuss the foreseeable opportunities that these advancements can offer humanity. Our goal is to provide our members with an opportunity to ask open-ended questions that will garner reflective discussions from which new ideas can emerge. Meanwhile, to support the acting aspect of our LAN principles, we intend to support innovations and projects involving VR, AR, and metaverse through financing and providing access to required resources (e.g., AR+VR headsets). In terms of networking, on a large scale, we aim to connect students, not only from the University of Toronto but also from other North American and European universities, who have a shared interest in virtual reality through Metaverse. On a smaller scale, our goal is to select high-potential student projects and connect each project group with an industry mentor who would provide professional guidance and feedback.

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Amin Mostofinejad President

Administrative Officers

Amin Mostofinejad President Hadi Mostofinejad Marketing coordinator

Other Executive Members

William Wu Vice president Diogo Silveira Creative director William Hwang Treasurer

Areas of Interest:

Group Expires:

September 30, 2024 11:59 pm

Last Updated:

December 11, 2023 2:37 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.