Welcome to the University of Toronto Kids with Special Needs Awareness Association (UTKSNAA). The goal of our team is to spread awareness for Kids with Special Needs. (We also promote and advocate awareness for Adults with Special Needs. However, we will primarily focus on children. There has been increasing awareness of people with disabilities (especially children with disabilities) recently. However, there is a common misunderstanding between people with Disabilities and people with Special Needs. Often, people believe that they are the same thing. Even though the two terms do overlap, they are not the same. Therefore, our association focuses on promoting awareness for Kids with Special Needs to help others learn about the difference between the two terms and how we can help Kids with Special Needs. Kids with Special Needs require extra help and care from others. With the proper support and love from others, their life can be as charming as any child’s life. We will discuss and propose different ideas to help improve and support the life of Kids with Special Needs. Other activities in our association will include bi-weekly meetings, volunteering, fundraising, seminars from special needs advocators, and many more! Join us to learn about Kids with Special Needs and help us improve their lives!