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UofT Software Engineering Club UTM

The primary goal of USEC is to be inclusive, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and religion (or lack thereof).

USEC will be compromised of multiple divisions.

USEC Projects Collaboration:

One of the best ways to become a software engineer is by working on side projects. For instance, while studying at university, Facebook was a side project for Mark Zuckerberg. USEC will encourage members to participate and work together on projects. It will alert members that most tools, like Git or JetBrains IDEs, are free to students. USEC will hold monthly workshops to get members started; members can then help others on their journey.

Software Engineering Career Development:

USEC will have tools to help members find a career they like in software engineering. For example, USEC will have tools illustrating how typical software engineering interviews are executed. USEC will also have resources on creating an online profile (i.e. LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) USEC will host a monthly workshop where members can meet in person and discuss SWE careers.

USEC Book Club:

USEC will have book club meetings every month. Members interested in committing to a book can meet with like-minded members on whatever schedule they want. USEC will also have a ‘recommended’ book library.

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Yazan Armoush President

Administrative Officers

Yazan Armoush President Shaarif Ali Syed Vice-President

Other Executive Members

Yazan Armoush President Shaarif Ali Sayed Vice-President Qais Alkhatib Code Of Conduct Secretary Baraa Shamout General Secretary Saabit Zubairi Treasurer Asser Ismail Media/Press Secretary

Group Expires:

September 30, 2024 11:59 pm

Last Updated:

September 6, 2024 8:53 am


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