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UTM Campus Conservatives UTM

The purpose of UTMCC is to  protect freedom of speech for all individuals on campus.

  • To prevent the “politically correct” suppression of values that differ from the status quo.
    1. An individual holding membership or acting on behalf of the group has the responsibility to prevent suppression from the left, however must refrain from suppression of the left.
    2. An individual holding membership or acting on behalf of the group is to only engage in open political discourse within the group, or with other members of the UTM or UofT communities. Any member engaging in harassment, or political persecution against another individual, sacrifices the privilege of membership.
      1. Harassment is defined by UTM-CC as aggressive pressure or intimidation of an individual.
      2. Political persecution is defined by UTM-CC as physical, mental, and/or cyber-attacks against an individual caused and/or in retaliation for their political views.
  • To help individual members explore their values and beliefs in contrast to the values and beliefs of other members of the community.
  • To promote the conservative and right-wing understanding of humanity and the political world.
    1. Conservative understanding of humanity and the political world is defined by UTM-CC as the ten principles of conservatism, created by Russell Kirk.
      1. The conservative believes that there exists an enduring moral order.
      2. The conservative adheres to custom, convention, and continuity.
  • Conservatives believe in what may be called the principle of prescription.
  1. Conservatives are guided by their principle of prudence.
  2. Conservatives pay attention to the principle of variety.
  3. Conservatives are chastened by their principle of imperfectability.
  • Conservatives are persuaded that freedom and property are closely linked.
  • Conservatives uphold voluntary community, quite as they oppose involuntary collectivism.
  1. The conservative perceives the need for prudent restraints upon power and upon human passions.
  2. The thinking conservative understands that permanence and change must be recognized and reconciled in a vigorous society.
  1. UTM-CC will strive to provide the Right-wing and conservative community on campus with access to intellectual speakers, philosophical and political leaders of the ideology.
  • UTM-CC must help keep its membership holders vigilant, in regards to world events, political campaigns, and emerging views within the ideological spectrum of the right, and the contrasting ideologies of the left.
  • UTM-CC will provide protest to any form of false political propaganda on campus, be it in favor or malicious to conservative values.
    1. UTM-CC defines false political propaganda as the spreading of false information in support of a political cause.
  • UTM-CC will aid in the election of Progressive Conservative and Conservative Party candidates for all ridings which border the Erin Mills riding, including the Erin Mills riding.


Group Administration

Primary Contact

Selina President

Administrative Officers

Karan Sehgal Treasurer Vincent Kunda Vice President

Other Executive Members

Group Expires:

July 31, 2025 11:59 pm

Last Updated:

October 28, 2024 12:47 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.