The purpose of our group is to recruit and support Correctional Service Canada (CSC) Student Volunteers, some of whom may directly assist offenders in their rehabilitation and reintegration efforts. Our mission is to support volunteers and provide a community for those interested in assisting in these efforts by providing events, training and social support, as well as organized group volunteer events that support offenders in their reintegration efforts with the knowledge that volunteer programs greatly support the success of offender reintegration. Correctional Service Volunteers will also engage in efforts to spread awareness on the UTM campus about the general importance of offender rehabilitation and reintegration by engaging students with data and research unspecific to any correctional locations.
We aim to find a dedicated group of students who will regularly volunteer with us at a CSC facility, and within the community, and who share in our vision. We will achieve these goals by recruiting students with a special interest in offender rehabilitation/reintegration, some of whom may have been touched by academic or personal experiences, with the support of our professors and through outreach, advocacy and access to specialized volunteer training and programs organized by the club in relation to CSC to enable them to succeed as volunteers with CSC.