Regenerative medicine, which is a branch of medicine that uses medical therapies to regenerate damaged or diseased tissues or organs, is here to revolutionize healthcare. That’s why at UTMRMC we are dedicated to promoting research in the field of regenerative medicine, and spreading awareness of its therapeutic applications. We hope to provide UTM students with a platform where they can learn more about regenerative medicine through interactive events and potential research opportunities.
Group Administration
Primary Contact
Muhammad Abbas President
Administrative Officers
Muhammad Abbas President
Lillie Haywood Vice President
Other Executive Members
Vanshika Verma Events Coordinator
Menahil Warriach Events Coordinator
Mckayla D'Souza Events Coordinator
Krishna Kapadia Events Coordinator
Preeti Chaturvedi Research Coordinator
Aylin khalid Research Coordinator
Vedika Kumar Research Coordinator
Jannine Dignos Finance Director
Alexander Kurdi Marketing Director
Baqir Rizvi Marketing Director
Alexia Ban Marketing Director
Ranosa Rathichelvan Secretary