Women in Science & Engineering (WISE) U of T Student Chapter
St George
Women in Science and Engineering – University of Toronto (WISE U of T) is a co-ed student organization open to all persons in the University of Toronto community. We are a recognized campus organization that hosts a broad range of activities throughout the year including professional networking opportunities, community outreach events, a high school outreach program, and an Annual National Conference. We work to create an inclusive community for our members to share their experiences and advocate for gender equality in STEM.
Group Administration
Primary Contact
Wanda Janaeska Co-President
Administrative Officers
Wanda Janaeska Co-President
Sola Long Co-President
Other Executive Members
Ayleen Farnood Conference Co-Chair
Sarvnaz Ale Mohammad Conference Co-Chair
Syna Yousefi Shiviari VP Finance
Heraa Muqri VP Finance
Isabella Tang VP Outreach
Prarthona Paul VP Outreach
Diba Alam VP Professional Development
Maria Vetrici VP Marketing
Helena Glowacki VP Marketing
Lauren Altomare VP Internal