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Winter Break

During the University’s winter break, student group leaders may apply for student group recognition, request edits to existing student groups, and submit and edit events and opportunities, but University staff will not be available to review applications and edit requests, nor to provide support, from Monday, December 23 until Monday, January 6. Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!

Funding for Clubs/Individuals St George

One of the primary goals of UTERN is to allocate funding to individuals or environmental groups planning projects or events related to sustainability. For individuals or groups who are in need of funding, our application is available here. Please fill out this Google Form, include all necessary information.

Once we receive your application, our executive team will review it and determine whether to give full, partial or no funding. Before sending in your application, please ensure that you are eligible. Refer to the eligibility section for a more detailed guideline.