Iranian Association at the University of Toronto (UTIRAN) is an independent cultural, academic, and social organization that seeks to promote activities relating to Iranians and Iranian-Canadians at the University of Toronto and beyond. UTIRAN has been an active UofT club since its inception in 1999, one of the most trusted groups in Toronto’s Iranian community and has held numerous events on various topics related to Iranian culture and society.
UTIRAN aims to promulgate the Iranian and Iranian-Canadian cultural heritage, provide an appropriate channel of communication and dialogue for the Iranian student community, promote interaction amongst its members, and provide academic assistance. Membership of the club is open to the University of Toronto students, staff, faculty and alumni. By becoming a member, you can contribute positively to your community, get discounts to events and receive special offers.
UTIRAN is non-profit, non-religious, non-partisan, and does not advocate or promote the interest of any one political party, group or individual.