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Winter Break

During the University’s winter break, student group leaders may apply for student group recognition, request edits to existing student groups, and submit and edit events and opportunities, but University staff will not be available to review applications and edit requests, nor to provide support, from Monday, December 23 until Monday, January 6. Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy holiday season!

Asian Christian Fellowship (ACF) UTSC

Greetings! Welcome to Asian Christian Fellowship at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus!

We are a student-based, student-run Christian fellowship, serving the community at UTSC from all denominations and walks of life. Although we mainly cater to the Asian population, we welcome those from all different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds.

Join us to learn more about Christ, strive to grow in faith, and be in community with fellow brothers and sisters.

For more updates and information, check out our fellowship on Facebook, Instagram, Discord, and Linktree!

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Joshua Siu Chair

Administrative Officers

Joshua Siu Chair Yong Le He Treasurer

Other Executive Members

Joanne Lee Worship Coordinator Jaki Shi Social Coordinator Davian Lo Small Group Coordinator

Group Expires:

July 31, 2025 11:59 pm

Last Updated:

October 22, 2024 6:37 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.