DLCF lead students, non-students and other members of the campus community and the society to a personal encounter with the Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in the vicarious sacrifice he procured at the cross of Calvary with His blood.
DCFL lead Christian believers into deeper knowledge and Christian experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ. To acquaint students and non-students with the gracious means of living holy, healthy, happy, balanced and fruitful Christian lives in their environment. To get students and non-students involved in practically fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16; Luke 24:46, 47; John 17:18).
DLCF acquaint students and non-students with basic Bible principle of success, to help them make a habit of succeeding in their academic work, life career, and endeavors. 4. Train students and non-students to become God approved Christian leaders in the “ecclesia:” (the Church universal). (2 Timothy 2:15)