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Indigenous Studies Students’ Union (ISSU) St George

The Indigenous Studies Students’ Union is a course union within the Arts and Science Students’ Union. The voting membership of the Indigenous Studies Students’ Union includes all University of Toronto students either enrolled in the Indigenous Studies Program and/or all University of Toronto students taking at least one Indigenous Studies course. The non-voting membership of ISSU is open to any University of Toronto student, staff, faculty, and alumni who does not satisfy the requirements of the voting membership. ISSU operates through a non-hierarchic structure of five committees which collectively and democratically vote (through consensus) in all decision-making processes. ISSU aims to provide events and programs which are open to all and which allow students from diverse backgrounds to come together in a horizontal, inclusive space for the common purpose of engaging with Indigenous knowledges and activities. All members are encouraged to engage with ISSU by joining one of ISSU’s five committees (Social Functions, Communications, Finance, Membership Intake, and Membership Support). Committee roles are fluid and voluntary, and any member may put forward their ideas to expand or add to ISSU functions. Ultimately, ISSU strives to create a platform from which all members can pursue their passions.

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Kaitlyn DaSilva Communications Coordinator

Administrative Officers

Other Executive Members


Group Type:

Last Updated:

September 6, 2024 8:54 am


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.