Welcome to the Society! We are not interested in the safe bets, the well-traveled path, the certainties. We’re here for the hail marys, the crazy ideas, the truly new. If the world is going to understand intelligence and build AGI, we need a conceptual breakthrough. If we are going to ensure the singularity has a positive outcome for humanity, we need to probe deeper into the true nature of things. There are no easy answers here, only a difficult and perpetual journey forward.
We are highly interdisciplinary, and call on students & experts from every background. Engineering, computer science, neuroscience, etc. are to be expected—but we also invite the economists, the political scientists, the philosophers, the artists, and more! Unique insights into the nature of intelligence can come from everywhere, and there are none we can afford to ignore.
We are a crucible for new ideas, a place to explore, and a community to learn. We spotlight our discoveries, ideas, and projects on our website, twitter, instagram and linkedin, and we are currently recruiting!