USM is a Christian fellowship group that strives to:
-Welcome and to minister to undergraduate students at the University of Toronto St. George Campus through our various programs – including bible studies, prayer groups, outreach initiatives, mentoring/discipleship opportunities, scheduled events, etc.
-Be a safe and welcoming place where undergraduate students can grow in and explore their faith, ask questions, and know God more fully. We welcome and encourage students of all nations, cultures, or religions to be a part of our community.
-Be a group that demonstrates the unconditional love of Jesus Christ through our hospitality, our acts of service, and our friendship.
-Support, encourage, mentor, and disciple undergraduate students who are followers of Jesus in their faith, and to provide them with opportunities to build their skills in leadership and the sharing of their faith with others.
-Represent the University of Toronto St. George campus in the greater IVCF community.