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Graduate Business Council (GBC) St George

The GBC acts as the interface between the student body and administration to help create a better and stronger Rotman community that students are proud to be a part of. As the student elected group that represents all students enrolled in master’s programs at Rotman, we work to voice the ideas and concerns of our peers to administration, faculty and other student clubs.
The GBC provides students with opportunities for professional and personal growth through a wide range of social and academic activities held throughout the year. A major element of this growth involves strengthening the bond between incoming and outgoing students through political representation

Group Administration

Primary Contact

Helen Huong Dang President

Administrative Officers

José Ignacio Pérez Ballester President Serah Jacob Executive Vice-President

Other Executive Members

Serah Jacob Executive Vice-President Katherine Reilly Vice President Academics

Group Type:

Last Updated:

October 22, 2024 6:36 pm


No events exist for this group.


No opportunities exist for this group.