Representing all undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in cardiology and acting as a forum dedicated to preparing prospective cardiologists.
Connecting members with professionals and medical students to enhance the members’ insight into any matter pertaining to cardiology.
Hosting fundraising events and collecting donations to subsidize on-campus and off-campus efforts fostering diversity and inclusion in the field of cardiology.
Creating an environment where like-minded individuals can share ideas and interact outside the classroom.
Providing resources and assistance from health care professionals, medical residents, researchers, and faculty to improve students’ chances of acceptance into medical school.
Raising awareness about the prevalent cardiovascular diseases and preventive practices among undergraduate students.
Initiating and supporting student-led research activities in the field of cardiology.
Divesh Seerkisson Vice-President Outreach
Emily Lin Graphic Designer
Maha Akhtar Web Master
Riya Lakhani Vice-President Finance
Nathan Padua Graphic Designer